
Layered Toast: Easy Peasy Recipe

Do I have visitors tomorrow? Yes. Am I stressing about it? Heck no. 

If you are like me, who prefers staying indoors and frets going outside - detest it even, don't worry. What I am about to show you is a fancy-looking, five-michelin star kind of treat that would make being a 24-hour shut in seems like a classy option to your friends coming over.

Ta-da. So, this is the breakdown of our layered toast. Easy peasy, right? I am even ashamed of categorizing this as a recipe.

As you can see, one piece of this baby would not fill the gaping void inside my stomach...and ice-cold heart. Hah. So let's make truck loads of these!

It was my first time visiting K-Village's Villa Market earlier this week. And oh dear God. All the goodies I was deprived off since day one here in Bangkok are all sitting pretty in their high-end shelves.  I went nuts! I hunted down all the fresh herbs, greens and cheeses faster than The Flash, I tell you. My eyes literally bulged when I saw the fresh mozzarella next to the herbs section. 

Layered Toast


3 large baguettes (makes around 21 slices)
3 tablespoon olive oil
2 limes
4 cups wild arugula
21 pieces of ham*
2-3 balls of fresh mozzarella
2 zucchini*
21 sprigs of thyme
salt and pepper to taste


1. Cut the bread into 21 pieces and brush the top side with olive oil.
2. Lightly grease the toaster rack or skillet with the remaining oil on hand. Set the temperature to medium high.
3. Once it is all hot, put the bread greased side down and toast it for 2-3 minutes per side. On the other part of the rack or skillet, warm ham for 2 minutes.
4. While the bread is toasting, cut zucchini into 10 thin strips.
5. Then, using a floss or a knife blanched in hot water, cut mozzarella ball in 21 pieces. Add on top of the bread to melt just a little.
6. Use 4 slices of lime or as much needed and squeeze it over arugula (or whatever greens you have on hand). Toss with a few drops of olive oil and a dash of salt and pepper.
7. To assemble, bread goes at the very bottom, then greens, the meat, cheese, zucchini and thyme. Enjoy!

**You can replace ham with any meat that you like
**For zucchini, you can use pear or green apples instead

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